Our Top 5 Reading Lists

We've read a lot of leadership and personal development books over the last 3 years of our High Impact Reading Challenge Book club. Here are some of our top suggestions for tackling some of life's common transitions and challenges.

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30 and Under

Our Top 5 recommended reads for under 30's to live your best life.

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leadership top 5 badge

Courageous Beestie Leaders

Our Top 5 recommended reads for you to be the best leader you can be.

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Top 5 badge DEI

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Our Top 5 recommended reads for improving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace.

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top 5 badge Imposter Syndrome

Get Over Imposter Syndrome

Our Top 5 recommended reads to help you become more confident.

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Top 5 badge DEI

Read in an Hour

Our Top 5 recommended quick reads that can be completed in an hour!

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top 5 badge Imposter Syndrome

Read in a Day

Our Top 5 recommended one day reads!

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Health & Wellness

Our Top 5 recommended reads to help you focus on your health and well being goals.

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top 5 badge Imposter Syndrome

Stay Calm

Our Top 5 recommended reads to help you stay calm under pressure.

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top 5 badge Imposter Syndrome

Master Networking

Our Top 5 recommended reads to help youĀ make new meaningful connections.

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Love Nonfiction?

Let's face it, your friends don't want to talk about how to have a killer tough conversation at work or how to meditate to have a better day. But we do! The High Impact Reading Challenge Book Club reads one nonfiction book each month and meets the last Thursday of the month on Zoom to geek out over it. 

Join us!