Navigating the World of Publishing in the Eyes of the LGBTQ+ community jordyn enrile lambdaliterary lgbtq+ organizations publishing small business writing Jul 13, 2024

By Jordyn Enrile

For writers, the publishing industry has always been a complicated place, but for those who identify as LGBTQ+, the road frequently entails extra layers of difficulties and victories. As we celebrate Pride Month, it's critical to draw attention to the distinctive experiences and...

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Enchanting Words: Exploring the Magical World of Witches in Literature jordyn enrile writing Feb 09, 2024

Written by Jordyn Enrile

Witches have long held a bewitching allure in the world of literature. These enigmatic figures, both powerful and complex, have fascinated readers for centuries with their mysterious brews, incantations, and otherworldly powers. From the cackling, green-skinned witch of...

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How to Start the New Year with Journaling jordyn enrile writing Jan 13, 2024

By Jordyn Enrile

Goodbye 2023! Thank you for the lessons you’ve taught us, good and bad. Thank you for the memories that we have that have helped shape us into what we’re growing into. 

It’s 2024 now, though. It’s time for new beginnings and new blessings. How do you,...

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How to Start Your Book Idea: 10 Creative Ways to Begin Writing book idea writing Oct 16, 2023

Do you have a great story within you, but are not certain how to begin writing? Here are some tips from your Herd at WPC to help you find inspiration in sharing your words. 

  • Write a book based on your personal experiences or passions. 

If you write about a topic you know, love, or...

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